
Bishop Paul V. Dudley announced the formation of the new Risen Savior Church, at Brandon, on March 28th 1979, carved from areas previously served by St. Therese church, Sioux Falls, and St. Rose of Lima, Garretson. Fr. Edward J. Pierce was the founding pastor, organizing the parish on the feast of the Ascension, for the two hundred families living in the area.

Sunday services and Religious Education classes were held at faith Presbyterian Church (formerly a Lutheran church) until growth made it necessary to move to the Brandon grade school gymnasium on weekends. Fr. Ed purchased a home to serve as rectory, office, and chapel and crafted the sanctuary furniture. The tabernacle came form the former St. Joseph Cathedral convent chapel.

Groundbreaking for a new church was Sunday, April 27, 1980. Parishioners were invited to bring earth from their own yards to mix with the soil on site. The facility would consist of a church with seating for 300, a hall serving 120 and eleven religious education classrooms suitable for twelve students each. Construction began in May and was completed in time for the parish to celebrate Christmas Midnight Mass. The first service in the unfinished church was the funeral of a building committee member, Francis Olson on November 24th.

Fr. Pierce guided the growth and development of Risen Savior until June, 1986 when Fr. Joyce became pastor in July of 1986. With his encouragement, the church sponsored some fourteen political refugees from Ethiopia, Somalia, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Armenia, after they fled from civil and religious persecution. After serving Risen Savior Parish for thirteen years Fr. Joyce retired from parish ministry in 1998. Fr. Anthony Imberi was appointed pastor in June of 1998 and served the parish for three years. During his tenure the parish experienced rapid growth increasing to nearly 500 households with young families being predominate.

In June of 2001 Fr. Imberi was transferred to St. Dominic Parish, Canton. He was replaced by Jerry Kopel who served the parish until November 2007. During Fr. Kopels' years at Risen Savior, the growth continued to expand the parish membership to its current number of nearly 600 households. To accommodate these increases, an additional weekend Mass was added on Sunday morning bringing the total to four Masses and the New Religious Education Wing was added. Additional religious education classes for elementary students were added on Wednesday afternoon and the Confirmation preparation class was moved to Sunday evening.

In November of 2007, we welcomed Msgr. Joseph Wagner as our new pastor. We have continued to grow in number and new activities. We offer an excellent Pre-School Program that we currently have a great group of children enrolled.

In July of 2010, we welcomed Fr. Terry Weber our our new pastor. We added many new ministries, book and bible studies, children's collection and the work is underway for a Prayer Garden at Risen Savior. 

In July of 2015 we welcomed Fr. David Krogman who also served as Chaplain of Avera Hospital during his four and one half year stay.

In February of 2020 we welcomed Fr. Jeff Norfolk, he also served as Chaplain of Prison Ministries and then in May of 2021, we welcomed Fr. Andrew Young.